

There Is Nothing Quite Like This Muscle Advance Creatine Method

By Quincy McLachlan

It can help you gain lean muscle mass and indirectly help you lose body fat. Here are some commons questions and answers about creatine. Creatine is a compound that occurs naturally in the human body or taken as a dietary supplement.

The scientific term for Creatine is methyl guanidine-acetic acid. Creatine is composed of three amino acids - Glycine, Methionine, and Arginine. The human liver has the ability to combine these three amino acids and produce creatine. The other way we get creatine is from our diet/supplements.

I visited some of the local exercise rooms in the area and spoke to some very big men about creatine. Some of these guys were very big already so I was sure to include some regular sized guys that were working out hard in my interviews.

This process of ATP breaking down into ADP releases the energy which gives your muscles the ability to contract. ATP stores only remain adequate for 10-15 seconds of maximum exertion however. After the ATP stores are exhausted the muscle will no longer be able to perform at maximum exertion. Taking creatine supplements can create more fuel for the body through the following process. Most of the creatine stored in the skeletal muscle bonds with phosphorus (also stored in the muscles) which becomes creatine phosphate. Creatine phosphate then bonds to excess ADP stores (which would be otherwise useless) which creates ATP energy stores. Hence taking creatine will create more fuel for your muscles!

He showed me his workout log and he had increased his reps by at least 4 on every set and he expressed that his recovery time between sets was faster also.

One was taking 35g/day and had been for 6 days so far, while the other was taking around 20g/day and had been for just two days.

In late July I weighed in at 175 lbs and my bodyfat was measured at 9.5%. I then spent the next six weeks concentrating to a serious weight resistance regimen and began taking Creatine Ethyl Ester before and after my weight training.

I immediately felt the effects of this supplement as I was able to complete more repetitions and lift heavier weight in the gym. Every week I became stronger as I started lifting heavier weight than ever before. I noticed increased muscle mass all over my body, especially in my legs.

My muscle gains were due to a combination of a solid weight resistance program, plenty of rest, proper dieting and the use of the right bodybuilding supplements. Creatine Ethyl Ester gave me an extra push to help me realize my optimal lean muscle gains.

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