

Rhino Rugs Really Do The Job

By Essie Osborn

Horses are really wonderful creatures who can add a lot to their owners lives. They provide companionship and also a lot of valuable exercise. They need to be fed and cared for every day, even those that live outside in the field. It can be quite expensive to own a horse and owners must always be on the look out for good value.

There is a lot of horse clothing on the market today. Rhino rugs are one of the best companies in business today and many owners know they can trust their products. Horse blankets are not cheap and getting the very best value for money is essential. People want to known that they are going to get several years of wear out of the rug before they make a purchase.

Horses have been wearing blankets during the cold winter months for a long time. However the traditional styles had a lot of problems. They were very heavy and difficult to keep clean. In most cases the outer lining was not completely water proof and many times the horse was left wet and uncomfortable. The heavy rugs were not machine washable and this led to many hygiene issues. Furthermore they were easily ripped after being snagged on a fence or pulled by another horse.

Shopping on line is also a very popular option. It is very fast and easy, plus the shopper has the opportunity to hunt around for bargains. The company website has lots of useful information and it is easy to find out all about the features of each individual rug. There are so many options, each of which is specifically designed for different circumstances.

Turnout rugs are one of the best sellers. Before making a purchase it is important for the owner to spend time really thinking about what their horse needs. If they are stabled at night they will probably not need the heaviest rug. They will typically be fine in a medium weight rug that is water and wind resistant. This will help to protect them against the worst of the winter weather. However, an animal that lives out all the time will need the top of the line heavy weight rug that is total water proof and can stand up to really harsh conditions.

Getting ready for a show takes a lot of time. The animal will have to be bathed and remain spotlessly clean. Having a show sheet is essential as this keeps all the dust and dirt from getting into the coat, mane and tail. It can take hours to get a horse show ready and all that work can be wasted in a matter of moments. Using the right run will not only keep the horse clean but also comfortable in the warm weather.

A horse who is being exercised in winter will need to be clipped. By removing the heavy winter coat the animal can be ridden and will not become excessively sweaty. However, to compensate for the lack of hair he will need a warm winter rug. The new breed of winter clothing is light weight, water proof, strong and machine washable. This combination of factors makes them much easier to take care of and keeps the animals much more comfortable.

There are several different levels of protection available. Horses who live outside all winter will need the top of the line rug. This is one that is totally waterproof and also wind resistant. Owners must shop carefully to find one that really meets all their needs. Most blankets today are also available with a detachable neck cover. This offers extra protection and really keeps the horses very snug and dry.

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